Registration - South Windsor Public Schools



Welcome to the RHPS 2024-2025 Registration Site for all grades!


Please do not register for 2025-2026 using the link below. Please visit the 2025-2026 registration site here.


Kindergarten Information:

As of July 1, 2024, Rocky Hill Public Schools is no longer accepting Kindergarten Age Waivers to enter the 2024-2025 kindergarten class. The deadline to file one was June 30, 2024. Therefore, to guarantee eligibility for the 2024-2025 kindergarten class, your student is required to be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2024. There are no exceptions.  Students born after September 1, 2019 (turn 5 years old after September 1, 2024) must now wait to register for kindergarten until the 2025-2026 school year.  Registration for 2024-2025 kindergarten class begins in February, 2025.   

Pre-Kindergarten Information:

The Bright Beginnings Integrated Preschool 2024-2025 Program application is available online. 

To apply, please complete the application through the Rocky Hill Park and Recreation Department, available here.

Registration Forms Instructions:

Part I - Fill out the required forms online via our PowerSchool Registration System here.


Part II - Once you have all the required documents listed below, you may use one of three methods to deliver them.

  1. Scan and email to If you are sending via email, I prefer PDF format. If you are choosing to send documents via email, please create pdf's and crop them so there is no or very little space around the document. Angled photo shots will likely be rejected since they do not print very well.

    1. How To Scan Multiple Pages into one file in your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch.

    2. How to scan documents using your mobile phone.

  1. In-person verification appointments are now available if you cannot use the abovementioned method.  Appointment Location: Rocky Hill BoE, Town Hall, 761 Old Main Street, Suite 231, Rocky Hill, Connecticut 06071 (2nd Fl.)

  2. Fax to (860) 258-7710. Photo id's will need to be emailed.



Required Documents to Submit:

  • For new kindergarten students only: Printable Parent Questionnaire available online here.


  • Parent/Guardian’s Valid Photo Identification - Both parents, please.

  • Student’s Birth Certificate or Passport or Other (used to determine student’s age only).


  • (Required if applicable) Co-parenting plan/custodial agreement or Civil Protection Order.

  • State of Connecticut Health Assessment Form and Immunization Record. This is the only acceptable health document at RHPS. We do not accept out of state or out of country school medical forms. For kindergarten or PK3/4, the physical must be dated on or after July 1, 2023 and are good for only 13 months. A student cannot attend school without an approved Connecticut Health Form, however.


  • A complete Connecticut Health Assessment Form has:

    • Page 1/Part 1 filled out by a parent, Part 2 - Medical Evaluation and a complete list of immunizations, including those taken out of the country.  Immunizations may be listed on a separate sheet. Please be sure your child’s full legal name and date of birth are on each page.

  • Connecticut Health Assessment Form (ages 5 and up) available online here.

  • Early Childhood Health Assessment Form (ages birth-5) available online here. 



  • A documented Tuberculin Test by a physician may be required. Please consult your child’s pediatrician. A physician may fill-out the TB test section on the Connecticut Health Assessment Form for your student or provide its own documentation if they deem a test is required.



  • Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan (if applicable).


  • 2024-2025 School Calendar available here.


For questions, contact Mr. Kennison in the Central Registration Office at (860) 258-3180 or